SHIPS IN ONE WEEK (pens are on their way to me!)
Stars on Sapphire Lakes is inspired by the West Kootenay hiking trails in British Columbia. The upper and lower lakes boast shimmering turquoise waters, waterfalls, exquisite flora, and breathtaking views. When night falls and the sky is clear and glowing, the reflection of the stars in the crisp water is a peek into another world right here on our planet. These pens feature material created exactly to our specs by the brilliant Jenn Earley at Stormwind’s Creations, and finely crafted by our very own Franklin-Christoph! We hope that every time you use this pen, you are reminded of the sheer beauty of the stars upon Sapphire Lakes.
Each piece is unique and will contain a variety of colors including pink, purple, and turquoise, and will exhibit translucency, and have sparkles in various sizes.
Model 46 happens to be our favorite model, so we decided to go with this perfect little pen.